Tuesday, July 3, 2012

His and Hers of Atlas Shrugged (Don't Let The Size Scare You)

My husband (Kyle) rarely reads fiction these days, so when he bought the ridiculously thick novel Atlas Shrugged (Signet 1957) my interest was piqued--but not enough to want to read it. Come on! The book's size might equal the A B & C volumes of an encyclopedia combined. One-thousand-fifty pages for a YA writer/reader hits the old panic attack button of time. Plus, I don't like to start of book and not finish it (even the bad, bad books).

But, Kyle kept stopping and wanting to read to me. Ayn Rand's hero hooked me. I had to have my own copy so I could write in the margins, underline, and get to know the book like a writer does. From both the reader and the writer's perspective this book is amazing. OMG!!!!

It's layered and the main character (Dagny Taggart) might be one of the best female protagonists, ever. In my head, I envision Kate Blanchett playing Dagny. The 2011 movie version of the novel stars Taylor Schilling.

We read aloud (taking turns) 10-12 pages each evening, which means we'll finish about September 24th.

Stayed tuned for more updates.


  1. I read Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead years and years ago and loved them. Ayn Rand is not only engaging but politically controversial. Makes for a lovely combination. I am going to pick up the books again. I figure if you and Kyle each read 10-12 pages to me a night starting September 24, we'll be done with Atlas Shrugged by February 2013. Then we can begin Fountainhead.

  2. Hmmm..we must have similar husbands. Patrick reads a lot. It is one of the first things I fell in love with--a guy that reads. But, it is mostly non-fiction; about Hemingway's boat instead of Hemingway or The Perfect Storm instead of Treasure Island. Every fiction book I buy him sits on his bedside table for months gathering dust before I finally read it and pass it along to someone who actually might open the cover. BUT...just two months ago, in a small used book store, he picked up a copy of Atlas Shrugged. Nothing like starting out small.
    Maybe he and Kyle can compare notes.
